artistically & practically anything of importance because at least sometimes I am a practical & logical woman of artistic flamboyance and tendencies
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Rare July Stropharia Ruguso Annulatas
38 of them this morning. July in Minnesota has its' oddities, sure nuff. Nice Fall weather we are having, and I'm just fine with the overabundance of rainy days the Summer. The herd of giants is heading into the corn, and from there I plan to send them out to pasture. Hopefully a few make it across the US to destinations such as Disney, now doesn't that sound like fun!
Friday, May 9, 2014
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
How to meditate
How to meditate for World Healing Day
Friday, 23 April 2010
April 24 is World Healing Day, plus Adam Yauch and Yoko Ono are meditating twice daily for world health. If meditation is new for you, try these tips and places for group meditation.
MeditationGeek, a user-friendly meditation blog, recommends these simple steps for meditating:
Step 1: Stabilize your mind
Step 2: Identify [health issue, personal health area].
Step 3: Focus your mind to [health issue, personal health area].
Step 4: Notice changes, sensations.
Step 5: If your mind wanders, gently bring your mind back to the object of your meditation, which is a focused awareness on pain.
Mind stabilization can be achieved with mindfulness meditation, described as "a simple mental exercise, which develops mindfulness and concentration by paying attention on a chosen object (for example, taste of food or activity you wish to focus on) and holding the attention for a period of time. Mindfulness meditation does not necessarily require sitting but can be practiced while eating, walking, running, commuting, and doing other activities. This mental exercise also helps develop an ability to sustain mindfulness for prolonged time."
Here are helpful tips for quieting an unquiet mind:
Meditate for only one minute (gradually move to 2,3,4... minutes)
Use a timer to remind you of an end of a meditation session.
Instead of trying to stop, welcome it whatever arises.
If you cannot concentrate on the object of your meditation, pay attention to the thoughts and stories occurring in your mind instead.
If you cannot meditate while sitting, meditate while eating, talking, running, etc.
Discuss your problem with a mentor, teacher or experienced meditator.
Practice meditation in a group (or join a retreat).
If you are interested in finding a meditation group, Shambhala, a meditation and spiritual center for Tibetan Buddhist-seekers and non-Buddhists, offers free meditation sessions with over 170 centers around the world:
The Chopra Center in California and New York also offers twice daily complimentary meditation sessions, for more information and location and times:
World Healing Days
April 23-26 let's make peace and healing a priority that will happen through prayer, mindfulness, conscious intent, meditation, tai chi, yoga, dance, music, art, and with all of us & Yoko, it can happen when we IMAGINE PEACE, BE PEACE, SPREAD PEACE!
Monday, April 21, 2014
Hometown In Crisis
Boy oh boy, did my hometown ever get a black eyes recently.
To give you a sense of perspective, I should first tell you where I’m at. I lived far enough away from Little Falls long enough to have seen communities that function more effectively in general because credence is given to the fact that children are active and require proactive consideration. My graduating class was one of the largest ever in Little Falls. The schools were revamped and updated to accommodate the large influx of baby-boomers and the closures of religious schools in the area. Shortly after, the community needed to decide whether or not to build a community center, assumably to divert the activities of youth toward more positive activities. The community turned down the idea. What the kids had to do than and now remains the same. There is still no community center, the local library is quaint, but now as then, limited in size and scope, the roller rink was in existence 2 years in the late 70’s and never was again, the outdoor movie theatre and adjunct watering hole called A&W is long gone too. If a child cannot afford to participate in extraneous other school and after school activities, what IS there for them to do?
What there is to do is just what happened recently. Two teenagers got in trouble and were shot multiple times and died for it, shot by an adult member of the community. And if things go as they usually do in Little Falls, lots of the townsfolk will be pointing fingers at either the teenagers who were said to be trespassing, or the adult who professes to have been defending himself when perhaps the global view of the situation from an outsider might suggest that building a community center and being more concerned and proactive about the situation might be just the remedy required to prevent more black eyes and dead people. So I’m again suggesting it would be a proactive thing to build and staff a big community center and other activities for all of the community. Maybe some of the unoccupied facilities such as St. Francis could be revamped and put to use this way. But what do I know?
I’m “one of those” artistic humanitarian visionary types who scares people with direct ideas like this, and did not fit into the restraints of that town and that is why I am not there now. It’s all conjecture, and the courts will decide this difficult issue, but the old hometown sure seems to be on a downhill slide that could be overcome with the fortitude of a more mature stance not unlike the town of Staples, which built a community center and vo-tech out of care and consideration, along with disposing of the guns and especially the mental concept that guns and force and are ever necessary in the training of youth, if we love our youth as we claim. I propose that to NOT do something about it at this point will exacerbate a problem which has happened too many times already and has been going on for far too long. To this artist, I see a picture of a town full of black eyes. Congratulations on being tough and unmoving; (actually I disagree that tough is ever an appropriate mode of behavior). Let's ask Yoko how they are stopping the harms in her metropolis of New York.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Robin Circle
Yesterday the first signs of Spring arrived to gather in our cranberry bushes. What a beautiful circle. Today an oriole joined them but took flight before I could capture it on film. I've never seen Robins do this before and maybe you never have either, so here's a picture I hope everyone enjoys as much as we like seeing Spring make an entrance after this harsh Winter.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
International Tai Chi and Qi Gong Day
To Yoko and anyone else Imaging Peace and Love:
International Tai Chi and Qigong day is happening again soon!
The last Saturday of each April, people from around the globe gather to extend the message about the healing power of meditative tai chi and qi gong. This powerful day will be filled with intentions of peace, prayer, and healing. If you cannot make it to a local event, you can visit online and get more info about this by going to
International Tai Chi and Qigong day is happening again soon!
The last Saturday of each April, people from around the globe gather to extend the message about the healing power of meditative tai chi and qi gong. This powerful day will be filled with intentions of peace, prayer, and healing. If you cannot make it to a local event, you can visit online and get more info about this by going to
I got a message from Yoko Ono. She says "Thanks for following! love yoko
Good idea!
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Shifting Into 9th Gear: 9 Tips for Neutralizing Burnout
We have these busy lives full of expectations often not of our own choice. That’s how it is they say, just play the game. I’ll cut to the chase because you (and I) have to go to the dreaded work scene soon and I don’t want to take up any more of your time than I must. Here’s what we can do to make our time more pleasant and less stressful. Nine being a magic number can get you where you want to be.
1. Get up an hour earlier than usual to get ready for a good day. Nothing can get your day off to a bad start like getting into an accident on your way to work because your brain did not have time to transition from sleep to awake enough to function. Give yourself a nice breakfast, do some light stretching exercises, and meditate for at least 30 minutes before you hit the road. The food will fuel you, the stretching and meditation will act to flex and gently wake your brain so it will behave more efficiently, calmly, and creatively. This is the short and shallow list, a more detailed account of shifting gear techniques will be available in my upcoming art therapy book. For now, just be sure to at least do step one.
2.Notice the people around you who seem to enjoy work. Pick their brains. Why are they enjoying themselves? Try their behavior on for size, some aspects may be adaptable to your own personality. The people to learn something from are the ones with genuine smiles. Take someone genuinely happy out to lunch if you can.
3. Use the suits that fit and discard the suits that reinforce the ideas that this job sucks. A change of timing at the watercooler or breaks can often be the difference between having to listen to negative job aspects you already know and coping techniques that you may not have noticed. “Friends” who reinforce only the pitfalls are really time wasters who appreciate the company of misery. The squeaky complaining wheel gets greased all right, so greasy it cannot be handled. Say a quick hello to the wheel, then let that wheel roll on by, instead of greasing it more, check you watch and time how long it takes to get down the road out of hearing distance.
4. Boredom is a mindset we can dispense with. Effective people such as you and I can elect to view each day as a challenge, an opportunity to exercise the brain in creative ways. The boredom is a result of being caught up in a linear and uncreative thought pattern. How do we get creative. I have hundreds of ways. First, decide change would be fun.
5. Take the challenge to get so good at your job that you can do it backwards, forward, right handed, left handed, upside down, and with your eyes closed all while listening to some nice mellow music. Get so good at your job you can go with the flow of the music and eventually notice the workday is over and your work got finished almost as if someone else did a fine job for you. If you are at this point you can then point out to the boss that being ambidextrous could work well for the company, given a position change (along with a raise).
6. Redecorate your cubicle with things you find inspirational and colorful. If you don’t have a cubicle, redecorate the inside of your head. Gather up and memorize inspirational images and words. Add to the inspiration list daily to give yourself and others the gift of a positive outlook. Refer to your list whenever Mr. Squeak enters, say hello to Mr. Squeak and explain you have to tend to a project and do not have time to talk. Look at your watch and time the wheel again as it leaves. Count the squeaks, it’s not just you hearing all this extraneous noise, and that can be a relief to know.
7. Do some heart-pumping exercises on your lunch break along with a healthy lunch and light meditation. The exercise and healthy lunch will help get the positive and creative chemicals moving in your body. The meditation can provide a ideas needed to make the afternoon pleasant.
8. Look for odd and novel things around you as the day progresses. Collect ideas throughout the day as if they were tokens to that vacation you want, because in reality, new ideas are the things companies want and need. Keep a private journal of these novelties. When they incubate into the big ideas, well, you’ve made some huge steps to conquering job burnout and have the tools and knowledge to master your destiny.
9. Once you get that much deserved vacation, email me about getting a good read on this subject and other flummoxing conundrums we face daily. Read my upcoming book on Art Therapy, which applies to everyone, and maybe I could call it life therapy on..........<a href="mailto:" target="_blank">.email me </a>to pre-order and get a grip on the 9th gear.
Jill Annette Johnson
Copyright 2014 Jill Annette Johnson, All Rights Reserved.
1. Get up an hour earlier than usual to get ready for a good day. Nothing can get your day off to a bad start like getting into an accident on your way to work because your brain did not have time to transition from sleep to awake enough to function. Give yourself a nice breakfast, do some light stretching exercises, and meditate for at least 30 minutes before you hit the road. The food will fuel you, the stretching and meditation will act to flex and gently wake your brain so it will behave more efficiently, calmly, and creatively. This is the short and shallow list, a more detailed account of shifting gear techniques will be available in my upcoming art therapy book. For now, just be sure to at least do step one.
2.Notice the people around you who seem to enjoy work. Pick their brains. Why are they enjoying themselves? Try their behavior on for size, some aspects may be adaptable to your own personality. The people to learn something from are the ones with genuine smiles. Take someone genuinely happy out to lunch if you can.
3. Use the suits that fit and discard the suits that reinforce the ideas that this job sucks. A change of timing at the watercooler or breaks can often be the difference between having to listen to negative job aspects you already know and coping techniques that you may not have noticed. “Friends” who reinforce only the pitfalls are really time wasters who appreciate the company of misery. The squeaky complaining wheel gets greased all right, so greasy it cannot be handled. Say a quick hello to the wheel, then let that wheel roll on by, instead of greasing it more, check you watch and time how long it takes to get down the road out of hearing distance.
4. Boredom is a mindset we can dispense with. Effective people such as you and I can elect to view each day as a challenge, an opportunity to exercise the brain in creative ways. The boredom is a result of being caught up in a linear and uncreative thought pattern. How do we get creative. I have hundreds of ways. First, decide change would be fun.
5. Take the challenge to get so good at your job that you can do it backwards, forward, right handed, left handed, upside down, and with your eyes closed all while listening to some nice mellow music. Get so good at your job you can go with the flow of the music and eventually notice the workday is over and your work got finished almost as if someone else did a fine job for you. If you are at this point you can then point out to the boss that being ambidextrous could work well for the company, given a position change (along with a raise).
6. Redecorate your cubicle with things you find inspirational and colorful. If you don’t have a cubicle, redecorate the inside of your head. Gather up and memorize inspirational images and words. Add to the inspiration list daily to give yourself and others the gift of a positive outlook. Refer to your list whenever Mr. Squeak enters, say hello to Mr. Squeak and explain you have to tend to a project and do not have time to talk. Look at your watch and time the wheel again as it leaves. Count the squeaks, it’s not just you hearing all this extraneous noise, and that can be a relief to know.
7. Do some heart-pumping exercises on your lunch break along with a healthy lunch and light meditation. The exercise and healthy lunch will help get the positive and creative chemicals moving in your body. The meditation can provide a ideas needed to make the afternoon pleasant.
8. Look for odd and novel things around you as the day progresses. Collect ideas throughout the day as if they were tokens to that vacation you want, because in reality, new ideas are the things companies want and need. Keep a private journal of these novelties. When they incubate into the big ideas, well, you’ve made some huge steps to conquering job burnout and have the tools and knowledge to master your destiny.
9. Once you get that much deserved vacation, email me about getting a good read on this subject and other flummoxing conundrums we face daily. Read my upcoming book on Art Therapy, which applies to everyone, and maybe I could call it life therapy on..........<a href="mailto:" target="_blank">.email me </a>to pre-order and get a grip on the 9th gear.
Jill Annette Johnson
Copyright 2014 Jill Annette Johnson, All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Natural Beauty, An NYC to MN to LA way to be
New York City has implemented an important program to improve concepts girls have of themselves.
I have a hope that all women someday begin to see their own natural beauty and be empowered with confidence in themselves. I think it's lovely to see news of New York, one of the fashion capitols of the world, set priorities aright, coming from the office of: the Mayor; no less.

please visit the website for NYC Girl's Project at
for downloadable posters such as the one above.
The Issue
Even as women have made enormous strides in education, politics, and the workplace, girls report struggling with body image and self-esteem at younger and younger ages and stories abound about bullying around appearance and sexual behavior. Girls’ dissatisfaction manifests around body image, particularly weight, at an alarmingly young age: Over 80 percent of 10-year-old girls are afraid of being fat.
1 By middle school, 40-70 percent of girls are dissatisfied with two or more parts of their body, and body satisfaction hits rock bottom between the ages of 12 and 15.
2 Notably, girls’ self-esteem plummets at age 12 and doesn’t improve until 20
3, an-unhappiness attributed to changes in body shape, as “females first experience a decline in self-esteem between the ages of 12 and 13, a time when most females have entered puberty.” Challenges A fair amount of this unhappiness and pressure results from media– which presents images that tend to portray a narrow standard of beauty. According to a 2010 study
5: 81 percent of girls would rather see “real” or “natural” photos of models than touched-up, airbrushed versions, yet 47 percent say fashion magazines give them a body image to strive for. 63 percent of girls think the body image represented by the fashion industry is unrealistic and 47 percent think it is unhealthy, yet 60 percent say that they compare their bodies to fashion models, 48 percent wish they were as skinny as the models in fashion magazines, and 31 percent of girls admit to starving themselves or refusing to eat as a strategy to lose weight. In short, girls see images that – despite recognizing as unrealistic, unattainable, and often not even real – they aspire to meet and then suffer when they can’t help but fail to do so.
The impact of these struggles on girls’ psyches may be incalculable. But there are additional real and measurable health consequences that make this a policy obligation for our office: including eating disorders, bullying, alcohol abuse, early onset of sexual activity and, perhaps, counter-intuitively, and obesity. Consequences Eating disorders: Deadly, pervasive, and triggered by “garden-variety” dieting (35 percent of normal dieters progress to pathological dieting and, of those, 20-25 percent progress to partial or full-syndrome eating disorders), eating disorders typically begin in adolescence or early adulthood.
6 An estimated 24 million people suffer from anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder, all of which can be triggered by “garden-variety” dieting.
7 Up to 4.2 percent of women have suffered from anorexia; up to 4 percent will have bulimia; 2.8 percent of American adults will struggle with binge eating disorder.
8 Smoking 13 percent of women smoke to lose weight.
9 Teenage girls often start to smoke to avoid weight gain.
10 Alcohol Abuse Teenage girls with low self-esteem are twice as likely to report alcohol use.
11 12-year-old girls with low self-esteem are two-and-a-half times more likely to engage in heavy alcohol use at age 15.
12 Bullying Obese children were 63 percent more likely to be bullied regardless of gender, race, family income, social skills, academic achievement, or school composition.
13 Early Onset of Sexual Activity Girls who had high self-esteem in seventh grade were three times more likely to have remained virgins than were girls with low self-esteem.
14 The risk of teenage motherhood is raised – by up to 50 percent – among teenage girls with lower self-esteem.
15 Obesity Young girls who dieted had three times the odds of being overweight five years later compared with girls not using weight-control behaviors.
16 Persistent use of dieting and unhealthy weight-control behaviors predicted greater increases in body mass index (BMI) 10 years later in overweight and non-overweight respondents.
17 People who feel discriminated or stigmatized against because of their weight were two-and-a-half times more likely to become obese, regardless of their actual weight.
18 The interventions While there are groups that advocate and provide support for girls, no city government in the United States has addressed the issue of girls’ self-esteem and body image. New York City is uniquely positioned to leverage the work of colleagues and contribute new and compelling content.
Our multi-pronged, cross-agency approach will seek to change social norms with a public education campaign that provides a counter message of positive, aspirational images to combat the media that girls are influenced by every day and a curriculum that promotes healthy eating, positive body image and self-esteem and teaches girls to think critically about, and challenge, constructed media images.
1 Andrist, Linda C. "Media Images, Body Dissatisfaction, and Disordered Eating in Adolescent Women." MCN: The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing 28.2 (2003). 2 Cash, Thomas F., and Thomas Pruzinsky. Body Image: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice. New York: Guilford, 2002. Print. 3 Hoffman, J.P., and S.A. Baldwin. "The Dynamics of Self-Esteem: A Growth-Curve Analysis." Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2002). 4 Fouts, Gregory, and Kimberly Burggraf. "Television Situation Comedies: Female Body Images and Verbal Reinforcements." Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 40.5-6 (1999): n. pag. Print. 5 Girl Scouts of the USA and The Dove Self-Esteem Fund 6 Shisslak, C.M., Crago, M., & Estes, L.S. (1995). The Spectrum of Eating Disturbances. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 18 (3): 209-219. 7 "Eating Disorder Statistics." National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, Inc, n.d. Web. 29 July 2013. 8 "Eating Disorder Statistics & Research." Eating Disorder Hope RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Preidt, Robert. "Disordered Eating Is Widespread Among U.S. Women." ABC News. ABC News Network, 24 Apr. 0000. Web. 26 July 2013. 10 U.S Department of Health and Human Services. Women and Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General. 2001. 11 "Fact Sheet: Girls and Alcohol." The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, 2007. Web. 12 Ibid 13 Puhl, Rebecca M., Jamie Lee Petersen, and Joerg Luedicke. "Weight-Based Victimization: Bullying Experiences of Weight Loss Treatment–Seeking Youth." Pediatrics. N.p., 24 July 2012. Web. 14 Spencer, J. M., G. D. Zimet, M. C. Aalsma, and D. P. Orr. "Self-Esteem as a Predictor of Initiation of Coitus in Early Adolescents." Pediatrics 109.4 (2002): 581-84. Print. 15 Dennison, Catherine. "Teenage Pregnancy: An Overview of the Research Evidence." Teenage Pregnancy Unit (n.d.): p. 6. 2004. Web. 16 Neumarksztainer, D., M. Wall, J. Guo, M. Story, J. Haines, and M. Eisenberg. "Obesity, Disordered Eating, and Eating Disorders in a Longitudinal Study of Adolescents: How Do Dieters Fare 5 Years Later?" Journal of the American Dietetic Association 106.4 (2006): 559-68. Print. 17 Neumarksztainer, D., M. Wall, J. Guo, M. Story, J. Haines, and M. Eisenberg. "Obesity, Disordered Eating, and Eating Disorders in a Longitudinal Study of Adolescents: How Do Dieters Fare 5 Years Later?" Journal of the American Dietetic Association 106.4 (2006): 559-68. Print. 18 Sutin, Angelina R. and Antonio Terracciano, “Perceived Weight Discrimination and Obesity,” Web, PLOS One Please visit the origin of this article at

please visit the website for NYC Girl's Project at
for downloadable posters such as the one above.
The Issue
Even as women have made enormous strides in education, politics, and the workplace, girls report struggling with body image and self-esteem at younger and younger ages and stories abound about bullying around appearance and sexual behavior. Girls’ dissatisfaction manifests around body image, particularly weight, at an alarmingly young age: Over 80 percent of 10-year-old girls are afraid of being fat.
1 By middle school, 40-70 percent of girls are dissatisfied with two or more parts of their body, and body satisfaction hits rock bottom between the ages of 12 and 15.
2 Notably, girls’ self-esteem plummets at age 12 and doesn’t improve until 20
3, an-unhappiness attributed to changes in body shape, as “females first experience a decline in self-esteem between the ages of 12 and 13, a time when most females have entered puberty.” Challenges A fair amount of this unhappiness and pressure results from media– which presents images that tend to portray a narrow standard of beauty. According to a 2010 study
5: 81 percent of girls would rather see “real” or “natural” photos of models than touched-up, airbrushed versions, yet 47 percent say fashion magazines give them a body image to strive for. 63 percent of girls think the body image represented by the fashion industry is unrealistic and 47 percent think it is unhealthy, yet 60 percent say that they compare their bodies to fashion models, 48 percent wish they were as skinny as the models in fashion magazines, and 31 percent of girls admit to starving themselves or refusing to eat as a strategy to lose weight. In short, girls see images that – despite recognizing as unrealistic, unattainable, and often not even real – they aspire to meet and then suffer when they can’t help but fail to do so.
The impact of these struggles on girls’ psyches may be incalculable. But there are additional real and measurable health consequences that make this a policy obligation for our office: including eating disorders, bullying, alcohol abuse, early onset of sexual activity and, perhaps, counter-intuitively, and obesity. Consequences Eating disorders: Deadly, pervasive, and triggered by “garden-variety” dieting (35 percent of normal dieters progress to pathological dieting and, of those, 20-25 percent progress to partial or full-syndrome eating disorders), eating disorders typically begin in adolescence or early adulthood.
6 An estimated 24 million people suffer from anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder, all of which can be triggered by “garden-variety” dieting.
7 Up to 4.2 percent of women have suffered from anorexia; up to 4 percent will have bulimia; 2.8 percent of American adults will struggle with binge eating disorder.
8 Smoking 13 percent of women smoke to lose weight.
9 Teenage girls often start to smoke to avoid weight gain.
10 Alcohol Abuse Teenage girls with low self-esteem are twice as likely to report alcohol use.
11 12-year-old girls with low self-esteem are two-and-a-half times more likely to engage in heavy alcohol use at age 15.
12 Bullying Obese children were 63 percent more likely to be bullied regardless of gender, race, family income, social skills, academic achievement, or school composition.
13 Early Onset of Sexual Activity Girls who had high self-esteem in seventh grade were three times more likely to have remained virgins than were girls with low self-esteem.
14 The risk of teenage motherhood is raised – by up to 50 percent – among teenage girls with lower self-esteem.
15 Obesity Young girls who dieted had three times the odds of being overweight five years later compared with girls not using weight-control behaviors.
16 Persistent use of dieting and unhealthy weight-control behaviors predicted greater increases in body mass index (BMI) 10 years later in overweight and non-overweight respondents.
17 People who feel discriminated or stigmatized against because of their weight were two-and-a-half times more likely to become obese, regardless of their actual weight.
18 The interventions While there are groups that advocate and provide support for girls, no city government in the United States has addressed the issue of girls’ self-esteem and body image. New York City is uniquely positioned to leverage the work of colleagues and contribute new and compelling content.
Our multi-pronged, cross-agency approach will seek to change social norms with a public education campaign that provides a counter message of positive, aspirational images to combat the media that girls are influenced by every day and a curriculum that promotes healthy eating, positive body image and self-esteem and teaches girls to think critically about, and challenge, constructed media images.
1 Andrist, Linda C. "Media Images, Body Dissatisfaction, and Disordered Eating in Adolescent Women." MCN: The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing 28.2 (2003). 2 Cash, Thomas F., and Thomas Pruzinsky. Body Image: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice. New York: Guilford, 2002. Print. 3 Hoffman, J.P., and S.A. Baldwin. "The Dynamics of Self-Esteem: A Growth-Curve Analysis." Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2002). 4 Fouts, Gregory, and Kimberly Burggraf. "Television Situation Comedies: Female Body Images and Verbal Reinforcements." Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 40.5-6 (1999): n. pag. Print. 5 Girl Scouts of the USA and The Dove Self-Esteem Fund 6 Shisslak, C.M., Crago, M., & Estes, L.S. (1995). The Spectrum of Eating Disturbances. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 18 (3): 209-219. 7 "Eating Disorder Statistics." National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, Inc, n.d. Web. 29 July 2013. 8 "Eating Disorder Statistics & Research." Eating Disorder Hope RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Preidt, Robert. "Disordered Eating Is Widespread Among U.S. Women." ABC News. ABC News Network, 24 Apr. 0000. Web. 26 July 2013. 10 U.S Department of Health and Human Services. Women and Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General. 2001. 11 "Fact Sheet: Girls and Alcohol." The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, 2007. Web. 12 Ibid 13 Puhl, Rebecca M., Jamie Lee Petersen, and Joerg Luedicke. "Weight-Based Victimization: Bullying Experiences of Weight Loss Treatment–Seeking Youth." Pediatrics. N.p., 24 July 2012. Web. 14 Spencer, J. M., G. D. Zimet, M. C. Aalsma, and D. P. Orr. "Self-Esteem as a Predictor of Initiation of Coitus in Early Adolescents." Pediatrics 109.4 (2002): 581-84. Print. 15 Dennison, Catherine. "Teenage Pregnancy: An Overview of the Research Evidence." Teenage Pregnancy Unit (n.d.): p. 6. 2004. Web. 16 Neumarksztainer, D., M. Wall, J. Guo, M. Story, J. Haines, and M. Eisenberg. "Obesity, Disordered Eating, and Eating Disorders in a Longitudinal Study of Adolescents: How Do Dieters Fare 5 Years Later?" Journal of the American Dietetic Association 106.4 (2006): 559-68. Print. 17 Neumarksztainer, D., M. Wall, J. Guo, M. Story, J. Haines, and M. Eisenberg. "Obesity, Disordered Eating, and Eating Disorders in a Longitudinal Study of Adolescents: How Do Dieters Fare 5 Years Later?" Journal of the American Dietetic Association 106.4 (2006): 559-68. Print. 18 Sutin, Angelina R. and Antonio Terracciano, “Perceived Weight Discrimination and Obesity,” Web, PLOS One Please visit the origin of this article at
how to make your own smiley face pasta
How to make your own smiley face pasta from scratch! Grand opening of the opinionated, resourceful, useful, practical, flamboyant, and imaginative 2014 recipe box extravaganza. May you enjoy! Stay tuned and subscribe to
the recipe:
mix together well till almost clay-like consistency
1 and 1/3 cups flour,
1 LARGE egg or 2 small eggs,
3 teaspoons oil,
3 teaspoons water,
1 teaspoons salt
3 teaspooons dried herbs and or dried vegies , minced fine,
Let this sit in plastic in fridge for 30 minutes after mixing well. Roll out dough to less than 1/8 inch thick on floured surface. Use a circle cutter such as a glass or cookie cutter approx 2-3 inches circle.
To make smiley face, see the video above at youtube, where you will see in part 3 & 4 how to make a recessed cutout of smiley mouth and eyes on a flat cut potato. Stamp the smiley image onto the circle cutouts; children love this part . Boil the smiley faces in water or soup for approximately 20 minutes until al dente. See parts 2, 3, and 4 of videos for complete visual instructions on youtube and stay current with recipes for clay, soup, bisciotti, and much more to come each week...subscribe to mailing list at
Grow thyme for health this year
If you'd like to buy it instead, welcome to my local harvest of natural goods like essential oils and herbs.
The question is, have I started my garden?
Yes, below the sparkly cold snow and frost I have started the perennial thyme (thymus vulgaris). And thyme has been good to me.
It has become the edging of choice in my flower beds because it spreads in a slowly and densely to create an attractive low, tough border that snuffs out most weeds and prevents erosion of soil.
The fact that it grows in poor soils should be a boon to most folks.
I live in Minnesota. Could you survive out in the open in this minus 20 degree weather? Thyme can!
Every year in the spring my thyme remains productive. I started a patch of thyme outdoors in the spring from one small plant. You can start it from seed or just buy a healthy looking plant. Plant it in really good fertile soil and give it lots of room to spread over the summer. It should at least quadruple in size. Once it begins quadrupling you may part out this plant and distribute it along edges and border. Just cut through one of the sides of the mother plant with a shovel and get the roots as well. It is a tough plant and you will notice a sharp edge is need on your shovel to accomplish this task, and don't worry, the thyme will survive. Now distribute the thyme to other garden spots as you please. Thyme will grow even in poor soils. Most plants will need an inch of water a week, and thyme is no exception. But thyme is neither finicky. Throughout the summers I give my thyme "haircuts" whenever flowers begin developing on them. I do this so that the plant will send a message to the roots to keep spreading. But you don't have to. If you like the flowers, by all means then, leave them be. If you've never grown a garden of any kind, growing thyme is a great place to start getting herb garden experience. I prefer to have free herbs right at my fingertips in the kitchen, so I take a short walk to my herb garden just outside the door. Nothing beats fresh!
If you are not the outdoorsy type, growing indoors is nice because you can grow year-round and don't have to worry about pests or the elements. It's also nice to have fresh plants in your home and the aromatic fragrance of fresh herbs is soothing and refreshing. With all the benefits of herbs and the delicious uses for them, why not start using them today? Grow herbs for your health starting today and stay healthy, happy and well. The bounty of the harvest can be placed on a sheet on aluminum foil to sun dry, or I dry it on a smoker rack of the grill. Of course the bounty goes into the spice rack in the kitchen from there. I would call my stock of thyme at this time years later in the jillions of plants, seriously folks... The simplest way to use more herbs (amd get more healthy, is to grow your own herb garden. When you grow herbs for your health, you may notice an improvement in both your physical and mental well-being. You will likely find benefits beyond physical health by planting and tending an herb garden. Throughout the ages, people have found herbs to benefit the mind, body and soul. Throughout history there are documented accounts of herbs curing illness and injury. Why not take advantage and grow herbs for your health? This perennial and small shrub grows well in pot or garden. It has spread into the yard and actually is nice to walk barefoot on. This next year I am starting the wonderfully aromatic orange thyme to plant in places I walk on. My gardening feet can hardly wait! Stepping on a carpet of thyme is a sheer delight, and a this type of ground cover does not mind. Instead, it releases a fragrance of spice to please your senses. Not only is it pleasant to walk on between the stepping-stones they withstand the hot sun, drying winds and will thrive in those hard to mow spots where a touch of green is needed.
Of the many thyme, the best two known species are common thyme and mother-of-thyme or creeping thyme. Common thyme, consisting of little shrubby bushes, is grown for culinary uses. Creeping thyme, is used for ground cover on banks, between stepping-stones and as turf. The creeping thyme, sometimes called wild thyme, are favored for their fragrance and gray-green carpet. Some of the best of these plants grow under two inches high. Examples are; Woolly thyme, low green foliage with dainty pink blooms. Golden thyme, purple flowers and low dark green leaves mottled with gold. Crimson thyme, small, flat, dark green leaves and crimson flowers - White thyme, delicate and slow spreading, with tiny flat, vivid green leaves and white flowers. Nutmeg thyme is gray and wooly with hairy stems, coarse leaves and pink flowers, and really spreads. These are sun-loving plants and are easily grown in well-drained soil. It requires very little clipping, training or transplanting. Most are hardy over much of the country, but in very cold areas it must be provided with mulch for winter protection. Propagation is pretty easy, especially with the creeping, stem rooting types, just break off a stem with a root and plant. One of the most enjoyable pleasures you'll get from planting creeping thyme is stepping on it. This living green carpet will surely delight you with its fragrance.
Lovely to look at and walk on it, and enjoy, and just do it. And guess what? Thyme is good for toenail fungus, but more about the health properties of thyme in an article to come... Subscribe to my updates so as not to miss the fun.
By Jill Johnson Copyright 2014 Jill Annette Johnson All Rights Reserved
Every year in the spring my thyme remains productive. I started a patch of thyme outdoors in the spring from one small plant. You can start it from seed or just buy a healthy looking plant. Plant it in really good fertile soil and give it lots of room to spread over the summer. It should at least quadruple in size. Once it begins quadrupling you may part out this plant and distribute it along edges and border. Just cut through one of the sides of the mother plant with a shovel and get the roots as well. It is a tough plant and you will notice a sharp edge is need on your shovel to accomplish this task, and don't worry, the thyme will survive. Now distribute the thyme to other garden spots as you please. Thyme will grow even in poor soils. Most plants will need an inch of water a week, and thyme is no exception. But thyme is neither finicky. Throughout the summers I give my thyme "haircuts" whenever flowers begin developing on them. I do this so that the plant will send a message to the roots to keep spreading. But you don't have to. If you like the flowers, by all means then, leave them be. If you've never grown a garden of any kind, growing thyme is a great place to start getting herb garden experience. I prefer to have free herbs right at my fingertips in the kitchen, so I take a short walk to my herb garden just outside the door. Nothing beats fresh!
If you are not the outdoorsy type, growing indoors is nice because you can grow year-round and don't have to worry about pests or the elements. It's also nice to have fresh plants in your home and the aromatic fragrance of fresh herbs is soothing and refreshing. With all the benefits of herbs and the delicious uses for them, why not start using them today? Grow herbs for your health starting today and stay healthy, happy and well. The bounty of the harvest can be placed on a sheet on aluminum foil to sun dry, or I dry it on a smoker rack of the grill. Of course the bounty goes into the spice rack in the kitchen from there. I would call my stock of thyme at this time years later in the jillions of plants, seriously folks... The simplest way to use more herbs (amd get more healthy, is to grow your own herb garden. When you grow herbs for your health, you may notice an improvement in both your physical and mental well-being. You will likely find benefits beyond physical health by planting and tending an herb garden. Throughout the ages, people have found herbs to benefit the mind, body and soul. Throughout history there are documented accounts of herbs curing illness and injury. Why not take advantage and grow herbs for your health? This perennial and small shrub grows well in pot or garden. It has spread into the yard and actually is nice to walk barefoot on. This next year I am starting the wonderfully aromatic orange thyme to plant in places I walk on. My gardening feet can hardly wait! Stepping on a carpet of thyme is a sheer delight, and a this type of ground cover does not mind. Instead, it releases a fragrance of spice to please your senses. Not only is it pleasant to walk on between the stepping-stones they withstand the hot sun, drying winds and will thrive in those hard to mow spots where a touch of green is needed.
Of the many thyme, the best two known species are common thyme and mother-of-thyme or creeping thyme. Common thyme, consisting of little shrubby bushes, is grown for culinary uses. Creeping thyme, is used for ground cover on banks, between stepping-stones and as turf. The creeping thyme, sometimes called wild thyme, are favored for their fragrance and gray-green carpet. Some of the best of these plants grow under two inches high. Examples are; Woolly thyme, low green foliage with dainty pink blooms. Golden thyme, purple flowers and low dark green leaves mottled with gold. Crimson thyme, small, flat, dark green leaves and crimson flowers - White thyme, delicate and slow spreading, with tiny flat, vivid green leaves and white flowers. Nutmeg thyme is gray and wooly with hairy stems, coarse leaves and pink flowers, and really spreads. These are sun-loving plants and are easily grown in well-drained soil. It requires very little clipping, training or transplanting. Most are hardy over much of the country, but in very cold areas it must be provided with mulch for winter protection. Propagation is pretty easy, especially with the creeping, stem rooting types, just break off a stem with a root and plant. One of the most enjoyable pleasures you'll get from planting creeping thyme is stepping on it. This living green carpet will surely delight you with its fragrance.
Lovely to look at and walk on it, and enjoy, and just do it. And guess what? Thyme is good for toenail fungus, but more about the health properties of thyme in an article to come... Subscribe to my updates so as not to miss the fun.
By Jill Johnson Copyright 2014 Jill Annette Johnson All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
The Moon Is Not Made Of Cheese
The names have been changed to protect the innocent, I'm taking off some labels again.
"The Moon Is Not Made Of Cheese" In the words of someone we will call Mr. Aerodynamic Farmer.
Maybe you have heard the recent "news" about it being cold in Minnesota.
Maybe you are like me and have developed an aversion to "news".
As a mid-Minnesota resident, I can say it has indeed been cold. This is not "news". It has been cold before and I happen to think it will be cold again.

And as far as I can ascertain, the moon is not made of cheese. Mr. Aerodynamic Farmer and and I were discussing the Minnesota cold colloquialism as learned when we were youngsters. "The cold is the reason people in Minnesota live longer." We disagree because this statement was probably only true in a time period when more people spent more time outdoors in fresh air. We decided that cold fresh air, or even hot fresh air, is healthier than recycled carbon dioxide mixed with other indoor environmental catastrophes such as dryer sheets.
We also decide that being farmers is advantageous in this type if weather. We must live in balance with nature, so we know how an can take this as an opportunity to adapt. According to science as I understand it, adaptation is built into the DNA. This is how we talk ourselves into going outside because our farming livelihood demands it, even if the windchill is 50 below. But it is true also that the DNA changes in living beings to adapt. The amazing DNA can and does change minutely within a lifetime and according to environment then, if I understand this right.
Is adhering to a comfortable chair in a warm room full of recycled stale air evolving? Or does modern technology with all of the high-hifalutin' ego-driven vanity of modern convenience maladapt in nature? Let's go ask someone who studies air flow and is very in tune with environmental concerns.
He knows, Mr. Aerodynamic Farmer does, how to provide a good healthy fresh air form of ventilation to a large barn that does not require extra heat, and is warmer than the closed up house most times. We need someone else beside me to come along and tell him how scathingly brilliant his idea is instead of some guy we will call Mike (short for mismicromiddlemanagement guy who wants to be like Mike), coming up with more ridiculous ways to waste his time money, and energy on gas-guzzling expensive unnecessary heaters, and in doing so, bites the hand that feeds Mike and 1.5 million others per year, and actually 2 million a year would be a fair annual wage for the difficulty of a small family farm occupation. We like coffee if you'd care to buy us some.
Get all the wings you can for that bowl while the price is too low as their cost will likely go up if folk are unkindly towards the hand that feeds so many. Perhaps just like the plants I spend so much time with I too have become "hardened" in my conclusions. That's physics baby.
I am documenting a few observations about the effects of this very cold weather. Obviously the 50 below windchill and blizzard days do not have the makings of good camping weather, so I limit my outdoor excursions to 15 minutes at a time or less. Thankfully my hot flashes move through fairly consistently, getting the core temp balanced I suppose. Both extreme hot and cold seems to make me hungry and thirsty for nutritious foods. The smart socks my Mentor gave me are very helpful in this type of weather, as are fleece lined jeans and sensible low-heeled boots. In small consistent doses I get more than enough exercise trudging through the drifts and shoveling out doorways. Some people pay a lot of money to be this fit and have such great naturally curly hair too. It is a beautiful snow just perfect for making snow angels. I have a video of my snow angel available on my site
So now you probably want to know where my scientific proof is. Today I will leave you with an excerpt from After The Ice Age by a Woman Canadian Naturalist Scientist, EC Pielou, since I figure she would know about the cold Canadian air flow. Mr Aerodynamic Farmer is reading pages 100-101 of After the Ice Age on a need to know basis. Below my speech is the expert opinion of Dr. Pielou (University of Chicago Press, 1991). A very good read, well said especially on pages 100-101.
After this article is said and done, I'm opening the moderated subject up for educational purposeful comments, proofs, debates, news, ideas...
by Jill Annette Johnson Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved
"The slow response of vegetation to climatic change has interesting implications. If climate changes continuously, as it appears to, then vegetation may never succeed in catching up with it. In the words of Margaret Davis, (see footnote 23), plant (and also animal) communities are "in disequilibrium, continually adjusting to climate and continually lagging behind and failing to achieve equilibrium before the onset of a new climatic trend.""
"There is a wealth of evidence, (see footnote 26) however, showing that climatic change is never ending. Even if major climatic "steps are comparatively quick, it is almost certain that the climate in the intervals between the steps undergoes continual lesser changes. In light of the present knowledge, therefore, Davis's view, that disequilibrium in ecological communities is much commoner that equilibrium, is the more acceptable. It should lead, in time, to a much needed change in popular thought. The notion espoused be so many nonprofessional ecologists--that the living world is marvelously" and "delicately" attuned to its environment--is not so much a scientifically reasonable theory as a satisfying dogma. Its abandonment might lead to a useful fresh start in environmental politics."
23. M.B Davis, 1984 climatic instability, time lags, and community disequilibrium. In Community ecology, ed. J. Diamond and T.J. Case, 269-84 (New York: Harper & Row).
24. H.E Wright Jr., 1984, Sensitivity and response time of natural systems to climatic change in the late Quaternary, Quaternary Science Reviews 3:91-131.
25. H.E. Wright Jr., 1976. The dynamic nature of Holocene vegetation. A problem in paleoclimatology, biogeography, and stratographic nomenclature. Quaternary Research 6:581-96.
26. Wright Jr., Sensitivity and response time; see figures 1 to 8 and 11. Also L.B. Brubaker and E.R. Cook, 1983, Tree-ring studies of Holocene environments. In Late Quaternary environments of the United States, vol. 2, The Late Holocene, ed. H.E. Wright Jr., 222-35 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press)

And as far as I can ascertain, the moon is not made of cheese. Mr. Aerodynamic Farmer and and I were discussing the Minnesota cold colloquialism as learned when we were youngsters. "The cold is the reason people in Minnesota live longer." We disagree because this statement was probably only true in a time period when more people spent more time outdoors in fresh air. We decided that cold fresh air, or even hot fresh air, is healthier than recycled carbon dioxide mixed with other indoor environmental catastrophes such as dryer sheets.
We also decide that being farmers is advantageous in this type if weather. We must live in balance with nature, so we know how an can take this as an opportunity to adapt. According to science as I understand it, adaptation is built into the DNA. This is how we talk ourselves into going outside because our farming livelihood demands it, even if the windchill is 50 below. But it is true also that the DNA changes in living beings to adapt. The amazing DNA can and does change minutely within a lifetime and according to environment then, if I understand this right.
Is adhering to a comfortable chair in a warm room full of recycled stale air evolving? Or does modern technology with all of the high-hifalutin' ego-driven vanity of modern convenience maladapt in nature? Let's go ask someone who studies air flow and is very in tune with environmental concerns.
He knows, Mr. Aerodynamic Farmer does, how to provide a good healthy fresh air form of ventilation to a large barn that does not require extra heat, and is warmer than the closed up house most times. We need someone else beside me to come along and tell him how scathingly brilliant his idea is instead of some guy we will call Mike (short for mismicromiddlemanagement guy who wants to be like Mike), coming up with more ridiculous ways to waste his time money, and energy on gas-guzzling expensive unnecessary heaters, and in doing so, bites the hand that feeds Mike and 1.5 million others per year, and actually 2 million a year would be a fair annual wage for the difficulty of a small family farm occupation. We like coffee if you'd care to buy us some.
Get all the wings you can for that bowl while the price is too low as their cost will likely go up if folk are unkindly towards the hand that feeds so many. Perhaps just like the plants I spend so much time with I too have become "hardened" in my conclusions. That's physics baby.
I am documenting a few observations about the effects of this very cold weather. Obviously the 50 below windchill and blizzard days do not have the makings of good camping weather, so I limit my outdoor excursions to 15 minutes at a time or less. Thankfully my hot flashes move through fairly consistently, getting the core temp balanced I suppose. Both extreme hot and cold seems to make me hungry and thirsty for nutritious foods. The smart socks my Mentor gave me are very helpful in this type of weather, as are fleece lined jeans and sensible low-heeled boots. In small consistent doses I get more than enough exercise trudging through the drifts and shoveling out doorways. Some people pay a lot of money to be this fit and have such great naturally curly hair too. It is a beautiful snow just perfect for making snow angels. I have a video of my snow angel available on my site
So now you probably want to know where my scientific proof is. Today I will leave you with an excerpt from After The Ice Age by a Woman Canadian Naturalist Scientist, EC Pielou, since I figure she would know about the cold Canadian air flow. Mr Aerodynamic Farmer is reading pages 100-101 of After the Ice Age on a need to know basis. Below my speech is the expert opinion of Dr. Pielou (University of Chicago Press, 1991). A very good read, well said especially on pages 100-101.
After this article is said and done, I'm opening the moderated subject up for educational purposeful comments, proofs, debates, news, ideas...
by Jill Annette Johnson Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved
"The slow response of vegetation to climatic change has interesting implications. If climate changes continuously, as it appears to, then vegetation may never succeed in catching up with it. In the words of Margaret Davis, (see footnote 23), plant (and also animal) communities are "in disequilibrium, continually adjusting to climate and continually lagging behind and failing to achieve equilibrium before the onset of a new climatic trend.""
"There is a wealth of evidence, (see footnote 26) however, showing that climatic change is never ending. Even if major climatic "steps are comparatively quick, it is almost certain that the climate in the intervals between the steps undergoes continual lesser changes. In light of the present knowledge, therefore, Davis's view, that disequilibrium in ecological communities is much commoner that equilibrium, is the more acceptable. It should lead, in time, to a much needed change in popular thought. The notion espoused be so many nonprofessional ecologists--that the living world is marvelously" and "delicately" attuned to its environment--is not so much a scientifically reasonable theory as a satisfying dogma. Its abandonment might lead to a useful fresh start in environmental politics."
23. M.B Davis, 1984 climatic instability, time lags, and community disequilibrium. In Community ecology, ed. J. Diamond and T.J. Case, 269-84 (New York: Harper & Row).
24. H.E Wright Jr., 1984, Sensitivity and response time of natural systems to climatic change in the late Quaternary, Quaternary Science Reviews 3:91-131.
25. H.E. Wright Jr., 1976. The dynamic nature of Holocene vegetation. A problem in paleoclimatology, biogeography, and stratographic nomenclature. Quaternary Research 6:581-96.
26. Wright Jr., Sensitivity and response time; see figures 1 to 8 and 11. Also L.B. Brubaker and E.R. Cook, 1983, Tree-ring studies of Holocene environments. In Late Quaternary environments of the United States, vol. 2, The Late Holocene, ed. H.E. Wright Jr., 222-35 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press)
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